
「107年外交小尖兵-英語種籽隊選拔活動」初賽 團體英語演講題目

1. 請試說明你對外交工作的想像,你認為外交與民眾的日常生活有何 關聯性﹖

What do you think the work of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs would be? What does it have to do with our daily lives?

2. 你認為新媒體對我國推動外交工作未來可扮演什麼樣的角色?請試 舉例說明。

What role can new media play in our efforts to promote diplomacy? Please use examples.

3. 我國積極推動參與「世界衛生組織」(WHO),就你所知,臺灣對全 球醫療及衛生有哪些貢獻?你會如何向國際社會行銷以協助臺灣參 與 WHO?

Taiwan is actively promoting participation in the World Health Organization. What contributions has Taiwan made to global health? How would you describe Taiwan’s strengths in this area to the international community to gain its support?

4. 如果請你規劃一場在海外舉行,為期 3 天的臺灣日活動,你會以何 種方式辦理以展示臺灣的文化特色﹖

Imagine you are designing a three-day “Taiwan Day” activity in a foreign country. What would you plan to showcase Taiwan’s uniqueness?

5. 你認為臺灣可以怎麼做以增進與新南向目標國家的關係﹖

How do you think Taiwan can best enhance relations with New Southbound Policy partner countries?