
105年度外交小尖兵 初賽第二階段團體英語演講題目

1. 在現今的資訊時代,網際網路無遠弗屆,你認為應該如何運用網路資源(如Facebook, YouTube等平臺)進行青年外交?
In today’s information age dominated by the ubiquitous Internet, how should online resources (e.g., platforms such as Facebook and Youtube) be used to conduct youth diplomacy?

2. 就你所知,我國青年可以利用哪些政府或民間所提供的管道增加與國際的互動交流?
Based on your understanding, what channels—provided by either the government or private sector—are available to Taiwanese youth to enhance international engagement and exchanges?

3. 東南亞國家與我國在經濟、社會及文化方面關係緊密,我國也有許多來自東南亞的勞工及移民,請分享你對東南亞政治、經濟、文化的觀察或曾與這區域國家人民互動的經驗。
Taiwan enjoys close economic, social, and cultural relations with countries in Southeast Asia, and is home to many laborers and immigrants from the region. Please share some of your observations on the politics, economies, and cultures of Southeast Asia, or describe any of your experiences in interacting with its people.

4. 人道援助是國際上已開發國家的外交政策主軸之一,青年如何在國際人道援助參與盡一己之力?
Humanitarian assistance forms a key part of developed countries’ foreign policy. How should youth contribute to international humanitarian assistance endeavors?

5. 全球化對世界及我國帶來的機會與挑戰為何?你認為在全球化浪潮中我國青年如何維持競爭力?
What are the opportunities and challenges of globalization for the world and Taiwan? How can Taiwanese youth stay competitive amid this wave of globalization?